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Get Involved

You Can Participate

If you would like to get involved with future Red Rose Rescues, you can view the upcoming rescues below.  


You can help save the innocent unborn

Would you be willing to help protect endangered women and children with the witness of Christ's love? Might you be ready to join the growing new prolife resistance of non-violent direct action?


If so, there are many volunteer opportunities, roles and positions needed:

Inside the Abortion Center

Two to Six Rescuers Enter Clinic and:

a) sit-down in waiting room and talk to moms scheduled for abortion, offer them help facts about their unborn child, assistance, support and love—and eventually hand out roses to everyone. Some will opt to remain in the abortion center in solidarity with the unborn scheduled to be aborted.

b) one or two others enter the clinic and remain incognito the whole time, they pray, and serve as witnesses should the rescuers be arrested and stand trial in court. 


Outside the Abortion Clinic While the RRR is Taking Place
  • prayer warriors outside the abortion center. 

  • counselors/witnesses for life on the sidewalks to reach out to the moms going in.

  • media outreach, and spokespersons, communications contact.

  • video work, filming events and photography 


Other Ways to Be Involved
  • local rescue site liaisons.

  • legal assistance and coordination.

  • monthly donors.

  • hospitality hosts for rescuers.

  • preparing roses and gifts for mothers, as well as for abortion facility staff.

  • outreach, recruitment, promotion, and advocacy.

  • education in non-violence.

  • writing and/or speaking.

  • website and social media assistance.

  • witnesses for life and supporters in the courtrooms.

  • prison support for rescuers.

  • trips and events coordinators.

  • development and fundraisers.

  • local and regional rescue team leaders.

  • literature and resource development/production.

  • intelligence and logistics.

  • intercessors for rescues and rescuers.

  • transportation aides. well as many more positions as the movement grows!


The defenseless need those of good will with their various gifts to help save lives, reach out to abortion victims and staff, and work tirelessly to confront and end the holocaust.

Some may feel called to rescue and thus stay in solidarity with the little ones and refuse to leave the scene of the murder. This may lead to further positive witnessing for life opportunities in the courts, jails and broader culture.

Others may wish to pray and counsel inside the killing center but decide not to risk arrest.


Some may wish to be prayer supporters from the sidewalks and in churches.

And still others may feel called to be a volunteer behind the scenes.

Everyone is needed! Everyone is important! The time to resist evil directly and courageously is NOW!


Our ultimate goal: to build a global movement to rescue the defenseless whenever and wherever they are in danger with the peace, fortitude, humility, mercy and love of Jesus.

We are looking for courageous men and women of prayer and action to join the cause.

Become a volunteer with Red Rose Rescue, and with God's Grace, work to help defend lives, save souls, make reparation, and directly confront the evil of child sacrifice in those darkest places in the world with the unstoppable light of Christ's love.

View the RRR Gallery to see different rescues around the nation

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