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An Open Letter From Oakland County Jail


Here is an important message from Dr. Monica Miller sent to Red Rose Rescue supporters and the pro-life movement via the e-messaging system at the jail in which she is now serving an unjust 45 day sentence.

"An Open Letter From the Oakland County Jail, Michigan"

Dear Fellow Witnesses to the Cause of Life,

I write this letter on the 2nd to the last day of my unjust jail term imposed on us by Judge Cythia Arvant. At present, Laura Gies, Father Fidelis Moscinski and Matthew Connolly are still here at the Oakland County Jail [and John Hinshaw is also in jail in Nassau county NY]. I, however, will be released back into the "general population" 12 midnight, Friday morning, May 5th.

What does it mean for pro-lifers to be in jail?

It is actually right for pro-lifers to be here! We defended the unborn and reached out to their mothers at the Northland Family Planning death center, April 23, 2022 in Southfield, MI. in a Red Rose Rescue. We couldn't just leave the innocents about to be slaughtered, even should mothers not turn away, we had to remain with the unwanted, outcast unborn.

As long as a pro-lifer remains in the death center--the killing is stopped--and in the "least"-- we continue our witness to those about to be led off to slaughter as we are inspired by Prov. 24:11.

More rescuers are NEEDED!

My plea to you-please pray for the courage of your own pro-life commitment! Consider doing even ONE Red Rose Rescue! Do not fear the sacrifices. Radical Acts of Evil require our Radical Acts of Love-- and those sacrifices join us to the Cross of Christ -- the Cross by which the world is saved!

It is right for pro-lifers to be in our nation's prisons. During our trial, we were denied a "defense of others"--as the unborn are not considered others by the legal system tied to the culture of death. Judge Arvant paid homage to the lie of positive law--that no harm occurs when the unborn are mercilessly executed--and so the unborn remained legally hidden from the jury.

When we took the stand we witnessed to the unborn, but over the constant objections of the prosecutor, always sustained. The judge continued to uphold the lie even during our March 30th sentencing when she had more judicial liberty to do justice for the unborn--but she failed--ordering us as a probation condition to stay 500 feet from every abortion center in the country for 18 months and requiring us to agree to comply with such neglect of the poor!

We could not do so in conscience!

Thus we were sent to jail.

But we are now in solidarity with the outcast, unwanted unborn--and from here give our witness to them--in union with Christ on the Cross.

Please pray God will lead you here as well--only should it be His holy will for you. One Red Rose Rescue! Ask God to lead you. His graces are so multiplied here in jail!

Please pray for those other Red Rose Rescue prisoners who will leave prison after me.

Let us continue to work and pray to end abortion in any way God is calling you.

Let's just never give up!

God be with you all-- in Jesus--

Monica Migliorino Miller

MONICA MILLER (0423109) Oakland County Jail Wednesday, May 3, 2023 1:31 PM



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